Book Study beginning March 9

The office has ordered books for the next study, which will begin on Sunday, March 9.  The book that will be read and discussed is “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman.  If you would like to join in the discussion, or just get the book to read, please contact the church office either by email or by phone call and a second order will be made. Books are free to members of the church.

Gentle Stretching Class & Eat, Pray, Meditate

The Gentle Stretching Class meets every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings in the parlor. Bring your yoga mat and wear comfortable exercise clothes and come join us at 9:00 a.m. for an hour.

Eat, Pray, Meditate meets in the Burt Library on Tuesdays at Noon for a time of fellowship.  Plese consider coming to join this ladies group any Tuesday you would like. You are welcomed to bring your sack lunch and join us for discussions on issues the group feels needs discussed, followed by quiet contemplation in the Sanctuary with our Lord.