Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A mid-week message from the Pastor:

Doris Donnelly writes this: “From the scriptures we get a glimpse of reconciliation far more profound than patching up differences, or making a private peace with what’s wrong in the world, or putting a bandage over hurts inflicted in the course of living. Paul, for one, had something else in mind. Reconciliation for Paul begins ‘within,’ when we hear (and believe) God’s words of acceptance and mercy. That realignment of the hearts spills across all of our relationships, closing the gaps that distance us. Eventually, those who minister reconciliation, as well as those affected by it, create the world heralded by the angels at the birth of Jesus where peace and goodwill prevail.” (Part 2 of this quote on reconciliation will be next week)

Have a blessed week,
Pastor John