"What Would Jesus Do?”
We have often seen the letters " WWJD," What would Jesus do in a situation. We sometimes find ourselves in situations where we ask "What would Jesus do?”
If we read the scriptures we find what Jesus did was pray. After his baptism, he went into the wilderness to be alone and pray. In Mark 1: verse 35 it says, "The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray." Jesus often went out alone to pray in the wilderness and gardens The night Jesus was betrayed, he went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray for strength to do what he was born to do, which was to suffer and die on the cross to take away our sins.
So the next time we are in a situation and we are not sure what to do, we can do what Jesus did. We can pray, because that is WJWD, " What Jesus Would Do. "
God Bless