Maundy Thursday, April 8, 2020

Dear Friends,
Today is Maundy Thursday.  Normally, FPC would be meeting tonight to celebrate this Holy Day, but,
unfortunately, that will not happen this year.  As we have been doing these past couple of weeks, Pastor John did want to make sure everyone was given the opportunity to worship so we have everything you need attached herein.  
  As we have been doing, we have several links for Maundy Thursday.  Pastor John has a short announcement, his scripture reading and sermon, and we have music played by Sarah Scovel for the songs that Pastor has suggested. 

We will be adding the links to our Facebook page and they will be listed below as well. If you have problems with the links provided, you should be able to find our site on YouTube by just searching for First
Presbyterian Church Independence Kansas (no commas needed). 

Remember to share these links with any family or friends you would like to, and don’t forget to like the links.  We are able to see how many views and likes we have.

We thank you for your patience in this somewhat difficult, and we pray we will all be together soon. 
The Staff at First Presbyterian Church, Independence, Kansas

Maundy Thursday announcements

Our first hymn is “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.”  Please click on the link for music to sing along with:     

Please read our first Scripture Reading which is from I Corinthians 11:23-26 in your Bible.

Now join in singing our second hymn which is “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”  Please click on the link for music to sing along with:

Pastor John’s Scripture reading is from John 13:1-17, which is followed by his sermon, “Dive Deep” is
on a video clip.  Please either click on the link listed, or if that doesn’t work, copy and paste the link to the internet.

(If you would like to partake of communion, you may wish to find a piece of bread or a cracker and a small drink per Pastor John’s instructions.)

Sacrament of Holy Communion click his link to commune with Pastor John

Our closing hymn is “Were You There”