Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A mid-week message from Rev. John Wilson 

John Indermark writes this: “To fears and sin that hold us back and weigh us down, we say, ‘No more. You are not the future. The future is God- and God has promised the gift of forgiveness.’ We are emboldened to face what we have done with the grace of what God has done and promises to do. Those confessions provide rehearsals for more public confessions of those truths by individuals and communities of faith. God would also embolden us to speak such truth with courage to those who would play on our fears and rely on our silenced timidity and say- ‘No more. You are not the future. This will not stand. We trust in God’s holy presence and gracious favor.’  And having said that, we then live that truth.”

Have a blessed week,

Pastor John