Easter Sunday Worship, April 12, 2020

Well, it’s another Sunday where FPC is not able to meet together, but as we have been doing these past
few weeks, Pastor John is being sure everyone can worship together.  My daughter has worked her magic, as she has been doing for me, and we are set and ready.  The links will not be available to view until tomorrow, Easter Sunday, at 8:00 a.m.  Once they come open, you can view them anytime so you can worship on Easter when you’d like.  If you’re busy on Easter and don’t get to them, they will still be there. 

We pray you all have a blessed and Happy Easter, and we hope to see everyone at FPC in worship again.  Please remember, the office is closed Monday, and starting on Tuesday we will be open but closed to the public.  If you need to come to the church for anything, just call ahead so we will be sure to let you in.

Announcements from the Pastor (see video clip) https://youtu.be/9scI9gXJvu0

Our first hymn is “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” https://youtu.be/veQeKMRZ9j8   (click on link for music)

Pastor John’s Gospel Lesson is from John 20:1-18 and his sermon title is “Clinging to Easter”  which are on a video clip on YouTube.  Please either click on the link listed below, or if that doesn’t work, copy and paste the link to the internet.  https://youtu.be/BWv7tlgg-EM   

Our 2nd Hymn is “Christ Is Risen!  Shout Hosanna,” https://youtu.be/-qe6NMT8uyU  (click link for music)

Our last hymn is “The Day of Resurrection”   https://youtu.be/4DOvbTnKpUE