We keep praying that soon we will be able to gather together in worship, but unfortunately, this Sunday is
not that day.
We are back on YouTube this Sunday, and for the first time we had no glitches! The videos are up and ready for you to begin viewing them now. And please remember, when you view a video, please take a moment and like the video.
Pastor John and I keep praying this will be over soon and I know he is missing seeing his congregation. Stay safe, stay well, and keep praying this ends soon.
Announcements from the Pastor (see video clip) https://youtu.be/7ZfPZuTiN0w
Our first hymn is “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!” https://youtu.be/PAHltYkmJO8 (click on link for music)
Pastor John’s Epistle Lesson is from I Peter 1:3-9 and his sermon title is “In Search of Hope” which is on a video clip on YouTube. Please either click on the link listed below, or if that doesn’t work, copy and paste the link to the internet. Once you have watched the lesson and sermon, please return to this worship guide for the remainder of the service. https://youtu.be/q1sz41RBd8w
Our 2nd Hymn is “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem.” https://youtu.be/T5jWfLWLg18 (click link for music)
Our last hymn is “Thine is the Glory” https://youtu.be/TTMrLU_XbUc (click on link for music)
(The words for each song is listed in the comments section of each video.)