Sunday, May 3, 2020 - 4th Sunday of Easter

Good Morning Everyone,

It’s hard to believe it’s a new month, but the day I finished putting this together, it was May 1st. With May we get beautiful weather one minute and stormy weather the next, which we have already seen!  I love springtime in Kansas!  It’s the one season my daughter, who lives in Florida, misses.  She loved our spring storms! 

We hope everyone is doing well, staying safe, and able to enjoy the beauty God is surrounding us with in His
flowers, the birds, and trees. 

As we’ve been doing these past few weeks, Sunday services are again on-line.  Our members receive a worship guide each week, but we are not able to attach it to our website. So instead, we like to share some of our worship service with you by this message. Below you will find links for the hymns, Pastor’s short announcements, scripture reading and sermon, and a special solo by Larry Annable.  We hope you are enjoying these tapings, and that you feel the need to share them with your friends and family.  That’s the nice thing about YouTube, once they are downloaded and open for viewing, the videos will remain there until we take them down.  You are not limited on your views or how many times you share them!  Remember, we also share the links on our Facebook page. If you are not a member of FPC, but would like to receive our worship guide by e-mail, please contact our office staff on our “contact” link. We would be happy to send out the guide each Friday to you.

We pray you have an excellent and blessed May, and we pray we will be all together soon.

The Staff of First Presbyterian Church
Independence, KS

Our first hymn is “Praise the Lord!  God’s Glories Show (Psalm 150)”  (click link for music)

Please click on this link  to hear vocal soloist of “The Lord Is My Shepherd” sung by Larry Annable.

Pastor John’s Gospel Lesson is from John 10:1-10 and his sermon title is “Windows and Walls” which is on a video clip on YouTube.  Please either click on the link listed below, or if that doesn’t work, copy and paste the link to the internet.  Once you have watched the lesson and sermon, our members are encouraged to return to the worship guide we provided by e-mail for the link and words to our next hymn and the remainder of the service. 

Our 2nd Hymn is “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (Psalm 23)” (click link for music)

In betwen the 2nd and last hymn, members are encouraged to be in prayer.

*Prayer of Thanksgiving and Lord’s Prayer Thank you, God, for the abundant life we enjoy, not in the things we possess but in the relationships you offer and the opportunities for sharing that you provide.  May all that we here dedicate to you be distributed in ways that meet human need and offer praise to you.  Extend our outreach beyond our vision, that we may live in awe and wonder before you, marveling before your goodness and mercy.  We pray this in Jesus’ name who taught us to pray, saying, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give
us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.  Amen.”

Our last hymn is “Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing!” (click on link for music)